Scientific Program

Scientific Program

The scientific program is now available. The program booklet with the program schedule, the list of poster presentations and the abstracts of the plenary lectures and the oral and the poster presentation can be downloaded as PDF.

The poster will hang during the entire meeting. The size of the posters is 1 - 1.20 m height and 1 m width.


Plenary Speakers
Kenneth D. Aldape (University of Texas MD Anderson Cancer Center, Houston, USA)
Molecular classification of brain tumors
David H. Gutmann (Washington University School of Medicine, St. Louis, USA)
Defining the basis of clinical heterogeneity in pediatric brain tumors
Claudia Petritsch (University of California, San Francisco, USA)
Targeting cell division mode regulation in glioma stem cells
Stefan Pfister (German Cancer Research Center Heidelberg, Germany)
Genomics entering the clinical stage - new diagnostic and therapeutic options in neurooncology
Nader Sanai (Barrow Brain Tumor Research Center, Phoenix, USA)
Human Glioma Infiltration of an Adult Neural Stem Cell Nich
Harald W. Sontheimer (Neurobiology Research Center, University of Alabama at Birmingham, USA)
A neurocentric look at tumor invasion
Erwin G. Van Meir (Winship Cancer Institute of Emory University, Atlanta, USA)
BAI1 is a brain-specific tumor suppressor and regulates spatial learning and memory


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